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Kamis, 04 November 2010

Memitu / Seven Monthly, unique tradition of Javanese society
According to the author of this tradition is an extravagance that is less useful. It is better if it wants to hold a thanksgiving ceremony was pregnant at the age of 4 months of pregnancy step. Because the time step of 4 months of gestation the fetus is given the soul by God.Word of the Prophet Muhammad:"From Abdullah bin Mas'ud ra. Said that the Prophet SAW said: "Truly you formed in your mother's stomach for 40 days, the form cum (semen), then became alaqah for 40 days, then became mudghoh (a piece of meat) for 40 days, then sent him for blowing the soul of an angel and set the 4 problems "(Narrated by Bukhari, Ibn Majah, At-Tarmidzy)So, 4 is a cultural monthly in accordance with the guidance of Islam, because this moment to be grateful when the fetus is given the spirit of life. But if it wants to hold a thanksgiving 7 months is fine, maybe for once the first child during pregnancy, and even then not use rituals that are not in accordance with the teachings of Islam, could be replaced by means of holding or invited lectures or recitation mothers fathers to the Koran Al-Quran and mendo'akan to keselamatn baby and her mother in childbirth later.
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