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Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

11 Manfaat Blog: Dari Media Aktualisasi Hingga Mendapatkan Penghasilan

Apa sih manfaat membuat blog / blogging / ngeblog, dan eksis di blogosphere? Saya mencoba menuliskan manfaat-manfaat dari blog dalam satu entri ini:
1. Media Aktualisasi Diri

Salah satu kebutuhan manusia adalah to be recognized - untuk di akui kehadirannya, untuk di perhatikan. Untuk menunjukan siapa dirinya. Apa yang dipikirkannya, apa yang menjadi perhatianya, apa yang menarik untuknya, apa yang disenanginya, apa yang dibencinya, apa pemikirannya dan apa yang diinginkannya. Dan blog memapu memfasilitasi hal tersebut, dalam skala jangkauan yang mendunia. Dengan blog (dan dukungan berbagai web app di world wide web) seseorang kini dapat mengaktualisasikan dirinya dalam berbagai media (text, image, graphic, video, audio, slide presentasi, dll) yang bisa diakses oleh ’semua orang di penjuru dunia yang terhubung ke jaringan internet’.
2. Personal Branding

Personal Branding atau self positioning -memposisikan diri anda berdasarkan apa yang dapat anda lakukan, membuat orang teringat akan anda ketika mereka dihadapkan terhadap topik tertentu- adalah sesuatu hal yang sangat vital di dunia modern ini. Apa yang anda ingat ketika mendengar “Bapak Blogger Indonesia”? Enda Nasution! Bayangkan jika seorang potential client berkata “Siapa yang dapat saya hire untuk mengatasi masalah ini” dan yang mereka ingat adalah nama anda? Dengan blog -dan strategi yang tepat- anda dapat memberitahu semua orang di dunia (yang terhubung ke dalam jaringan internet, tentunya) apa keahlian anda dan apa megapa mereka harus mengontak anda ketika mereka teringat akan satu masalah yang harus di selesaikan.
3. Markas Besar Di Dunia Maya

Begitu banyak tempat bersosialisasi di dunia maya dan sulit untuk memberi tahukan semuanya kepada orang sekaligus. Blog bisa anda jadikan markas besar pusat seluruh aktifitas anda di dunia maya: CV, Online portofolio, link, badge atau widget menuju situs-situs social network yang anda eksisi *halah*: Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, Digg, LintasBerita, LinkedIn, dll.
4. Media Promosi

Blog ditempatkan di jaringan internet. Dengan strategi yang tepat (SEO+SMM+Other Techniques) anda bisa mendatangkan para pengguna internet ke blog anda dan membuatnya membaca apa yang anda promosikan.
5. Mendapatkan Relasi Baru

Sudah menjadi bawaannya bahwa manusia selalu mencari manusia lain yang memiliki ketertarikan sama. Buat blog tentang topik yang anda minati, dan pengunjung yang memiliki topik yang sama dengan anda pun akan mendatangi anda. Mereka bisa mengomentari post di blog anda dan bisa membalasnya. Terjadi conversation disana, dan membuka peluang untuk terjadinya hubungan kan.

Tips: Buat tulisan yang bermanfaat (lebih baik jika menginspirasi) dan letakkan link facebook profile anda. Orang akan berduyun-duyun meng-add anda di facebook.
6. Mendapatkan Penghasilan

Well, sudah banyak yang tahu kan? ada dua cara mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet:

* Direct Income – Blog anda memang menjadi ’sumber uang’ anda. Anda update konten dengan entri berkualitas, perbesar tingkat kunjungan visitor ke blog anda, lakukan monetisasi. Bisa dengan menjual spot banner (tapi sudah tidak terlalu efektif lagi rasanya), Service Pay-Per-Click, Pay-Per-Post, Paid-To-Review, buat review tentang produk yang diafiliasikan, atau mungkin langsung menjual produk di blog anda. dll.
* Indirect Income – Blog anda gunakan sebagai media promosi bisnis anda dan diri anda. Visitor datang ke blog, terkesima dengan diri anda dan portofolio anda, dan mereka mengontak anda untuk deal bisnis selanjutnya.

7. Stress Release, Emotion Release

Terkadang kita hanya ingin melampiaskan apa yang kita rasakan. Terkadang kejenuhan dan terkadang kebahagiaan. Lebih mengasyikan lagi jika ada yang merespons apa yang kita rasakan kan? ;) Hey, blog memfasilitasi hal tersebut. Tapi selalu ingat aturan emasnya: Jangan berlebihan. Jangan sampai kasus kehilangan pekerjaan dan kejadian tidak diinginkan lainnya terjadi karena anda berlebihan dalam mengekspresikan diri.
8. Media Memberi, Media Sharing

Terkadang kita hanya ingin berbagi apa yang kita ketahui, berbagi kebaikan, berbagi ilmu atau berbagi pengetahuan. Jika yang anda ingin share kepada orang lain bisa di fasilitasi dengan text, graphic, video, audio, presentasi, dll. Blog bisa memfasilitasi hasrat berbagi anda.
9. Jurnal Catatan Kehidupan Anda

Catat semua yang anda rasakan dan publikasikan di blog anda. Suatu hari di kehidupan anda kelak, baca kembali apa yang sudah anda tulis. Kebanyakan orang tertawa ketika membaca apa yang mereka tulis dahulu. Kenangan lama bersemi kembali gitu loh :)
10. Mendapatkan Feedback Atas Apa Yang Anda Rasakan

Mayoritas blog memiliki fitur komentar di setiap artikelnya. Hal ini memfasilitasi orang untuk memberi respons terhadap apa yang anda tulis. Pendapat orang lain merupakan salah hal yang berharga dalam hidup kan?
11. Public Relation Yang Lebih Humanis

Jika anda bertujuan mempromosikan bisnis atau korporasi -corporate blogging-, salah satu karakteristik blog adalah personal point of view yang menjadikan blog lebih humanis sehingga pengunjung merasa lebih ‘nyaman’. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, anda bisa baca definisi blog disini.

Rabu, 10 November 2010

How to enjoy sex very long

How to enjoy sex very long. Maybe this way is not much to know. Because each pair usually lazy to do this.
It is very easy, do it gladly and lovingly. No need strong medicine sex, Viagra or tools. Just do a sex with a loving.
But remember! Do not forget to pray. Because when sek without prayer, then Satan had enjoyed an orgy.
After doing sesk to orgasm. Try again trying to arouse her husband. feel the difference when having sex the first with the second. do well for the third.
If the existing results, share it to other people. For each couple can enjoy how wonderful sex with his beloved wife and do not need to be tempted woman that night strewn on the roadside.

Minggu, 07 November 2010


The definition of RibaBased on the understanding of fiqh scholars, usury is required before any loan which requires an additional. In terms of language riba means 'excess'.
History of UsuryRiba ignorance is when someone is in debt up to a certain period. When payment time came, the owner of the money said, "you pay your debt or increasing in number."
Bank interest is RibaHow about a conventional bank interest rate system, there is an opinion bahwariba are forbidden by Allah in the Qur'an and hadiths of the Prophet is the type known as consumer interest. That is the interest charged to the person who owes to meet the needs of daily life such as eating, drinking, and his clothes and his family or dependents.Why become illegitimate? Since usury was an element of extortion (exploitation) in people in need. So he was forced to borrow. And the owners want to lend money provided that there is an excess or additional (There is a requirement). This means the creditor actually has no intention of borrowing member if tidaka da extra.
If usury is forbidden at the time of such Rosulullah is riba, (usury consumptive) why the Prophet Muhammad cursed the borrower and the lender, such as those contained in the following tradition;Imam Muslim narrated from Jabir ra. He said: "Prophet Muhammad cursed the eater of usury, the giver of usury, registrar, or the administration and the witness (Notary) and he said, their legal status the same. From Ibn Mas'ud ra. He said: "Prophet Muhammad cursed the receiver and the giver of interest."
Functions of Commercial BanksAs for the opinion that it is lawful commercial usury; it is a very dangerous statement. Moreover menganalogikan bank (commercial usury actors agency) together with the trading services; the bank only acts as a facilitator. This is wrong, because as a facilitator of course can not make its own rules, and must comply with the agreement between the savers with the borrowers. Reality in the conventional banking is the bank had intercourse with the provisions made by the borrower's bank to be obeyed as well as against the depositors. So clearly, that the relationship between the bank and the borrower is usury, not facilitating buying and selling.And that should be emphasized here, usury is not only situated on the intended use or any object of the perpetrators of usury (between business entities or individuals) that is forbidden riba is riba as it has become alhi understanding fiqh required that every loan previously required to provide additional.

Kamis, 04 November 2010

The Dayak
In the past, there is a buried corpse by burning, there is a way to pit his own grave; nothing left to be in a sealed coffin for months waiting for the hunters returned with a few heads kayauan results, but some are buried in the normal way. That is the multiculturalism Dayak.
Dayak identity was not referring to one community only. Even agreement on the use of the term itself actually Dayak unfinished. See for example the book by Mikhail Coomans (1987) or Herman Joseph van Hulten (1992) or even that the author is of the Dayaks themselves, Thambun Anyang (1998) who all use the term 'Power'
is not a Dayak. In fact there are several other authors who use the term Dyak or Power '. Which version is right? The truth, the term did not come from the Dayaks. He is not a term that is given but gifted the name given by others. Dayak is not primary but secondary ethnicity ethnicity, namely the identity used by the Dayak people in touch with other ethnic groups than amongst the Dayak. The variety of versions concerning the writing of the word Dayak, may also reflect an aspect of multiculturalism is.
Therefore, if we mean by Dayak is a native of Borneo, then surely we are talking about hundreds of identity (sub) ethnic groups - in addition is a native of Borneo - has some general similarities for example in terms of origin, worldviews or physical form. Language Dayaks were hundreds, different customary rituals, traditions also vary. Tradition mengayau example. One great if say that all of the Dayaks in ancient times was the head-hunters. This assumption is tantamount to saying that all of the Dayaks are Christian or all at war with the Dayak people of Madura. In short, the Dayaks were multiethnic, of course if we narrow the definition of ethnicity.
Because Dayak 'multiethnic', it is not too difficult to find multiculturalism in culture, because reality itself is multicultural Dayak. The language is different, so too has the tradition that each sub-ethnic. That is why the existential reality of these communities, at some time in the history of the past, Dayak communities were other people to each other. 'Other people' not only means not incorporated in a collective identity, or a kind of 'pan-dayakisme'-as it is known now, but some of the community also attack each other and kill each other physically. So the Dutch colonial government needs to take the initiative to gather the representatives of those communities in the Fall Anoi (Central Kalimantan now) in 1894 in order to resolve the dispute, quarrel due to various cases of murder, detention, and robbery. Please note that by SW Tromp, Afdeling West Kalimantan resident who reported from the meeting, participants not only the representative and head but also the Head of Adat Dayak Adat Melayu.

Fall Meeting Anoi not only prove that the Dayak people in the past engaged in hostilities with one another and with other ethnic groups, but also (and this is important) that culturally they have the potential to resolve all hostility and animosity that exists. In other words, they have a spirit of reconciliation which concretely proven-one of them-through meeting in the Fall Anoi it. Really Dayaks can make peace and forgive? Dayak cultural elements Which allows for it?
Source :

Memitu / Seven Monthly, unique tradition of Javanese society
According to the author of this tradition is an extravagance that is less useful. It is better if it wants to hold a thanksgiving ceremony was pregnant at the age of 4 months of pregnancy step. Because the time step of 4 months of gestation the fetus is given the soul by God.Word of the Prophet Muhammad:"From Abdullah bin Mas'ud ra. Said that the Prophet SAW said: "Truly you formed in your mother's stomach for 40 days, the form cum (semen), then became alaqah for 40 days, then became mudghoh (a piece of meat) for 40 days, then sent him for blowing the soul of an angel and set the 4 problems "(Narrated by Bukhari, Ibn Majah, At-Tarmidzy)So, 4 is a cultural monthly in accordance with the guidance of Islam, because this moment to be grateful when the fetus is given the spirit of life. But if it wants to hold a thanksgiving 7 months is fine, maybe for once the first child during pregnancy, and even then not use rituals that are not in accordance with the teachings of Islam, could be replaced by means of holding or invited lectures or recitation mothers fathers to the Koran Al-Quran and mendo'akan to keselamatn baby and her mother in childbirth later.

According to Kasper and Streit (1989:30) Institutional Economics is to include two-way relationship (Two-way relationship) between economic (Ekonomic) and institutional (institutions).- Institutional Economics Sharia is based on the rules derived from the Qur'an, Al-Hadith and the consensus of the scholars.- Islam gives freedom in a variety of economic behavior as long as not contrary to the fundamental law embodied in the Qur'an, Al-Hadith and the consensus of the scholars.- Islamic regulate the ownership of individual freedom but still manage kepemilikin management of public (community).- In essence, everything in the universe is God's. While the property possessed by humans is temporary and is a surrogate of God, but the people were given freedom to manage, empower and advantage by sticking to the provisions of the Shari'a.- Characteristics of Islamic economics lies in the balance. Individual rights must not be sacrificed for the common and public right opposite also can not be sacrificed for personal gain.- Some Islamic economic principles that should be used as a handle for the perpetrators of Islamic business.a. The principle of autonomy: that is the attitude and the ability of humans to act on his own consciousness of all things in good perspective. Autonomous attitude should be followed by the attitude of responsibility. Any form of behavior or autonomous decision must consider the consequences or responsibility for the behavior or decision that is selected.b. The principle of honesty. Honesty is the basic quality of moral personality. Some economic aspects in implentasinya require honesty is 1) Honesty in compliance with the terms of agreements and contracts. 2) fairness in relation to the supply of goods or services. 3) honesty concerning the employment relationship.c. The principle of doing no evil; not do something that is not like other people, such as what is not liked by yourself.d. The principle of respect for yourself. Respect the rights themselves, which means also respect the position and rights of others.- Justice Doing Business.Justice is the norm in all aspects of the world's major economies. The realization of justice in the economy associated with at least four things:a. Equity swapsb. Distributive justicec. Social Justiced. Legal justiceInstitutional sharia is an alternative that should receive attention from all economic players, after penerpan capitalist and socialist economy failed.

Rabu, 03 November 2010

Orgasm More Delicious

1. Eliminate anxietyImportant! The man must keep her feelings, be with seduction, a hug or beautiful music. The room also had a warm and fragrant.
2. Tap a few inches of the vagina with the tip of the penis. Do not be too deep enough to merely touch the clitoris.
3. Find a sex position that makes the vagina feel aroused.
4. Do not forget the G-spot. Which is located right on the edge of the back of the vagina.
5. Try it with the woman sleeping in bed. Penis enter a woman's feet from the front and circular at your waist.
6. You can also use pillows to prop up his ass so the penis can penetrate deeper.

Do it all with a loving and pleasant cooperation